

News 28 Dec 2019
Rector of ASOIU visits faculties and departments of the university on occasion with the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year

On December 28, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), professor Mustafa Babanli visited  faculties and departments of the university on occasion with the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year.

Rector, Professor M. Babanli visited the Faculty of Power Engineering, Economics and Management, Faculty of Chemical Technology and  Magistracy Department and congratulated all the staff on occasion with the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and the upcoming New Year and wished them success in their activities.

Evaluating 2019 as one of the most productive years for the university, Rector M.Babanli spoke about the work implemented in the current year, conducted reforms and achievements. Noting that ASOIU's main goal is to become a national research university, M. Babanli said that the steps will be taken to improve the quality of teaching, upgrade laboratories, enrich the material and technical base, and further improvement of quality results.

Rector M. Babanli also underlined that there was significant progress in research and development at the university, emphasized that there are serious scientific innovations in comparison with previous years. The Rector added that all existing problems and some shortcomings in education will be completely eliminated.

Saying that upcoming 2020 is a special year in ASOIU's history, the Rector highlighted that the preparations for the university's 100th anniversary are underway and speaking about the projects planned within the framework of the anniversary, he stressed that the university expects innovations in all directions.

Expressing their gratitude to the rector Mustafa Babanli for his wishes, faculty deans of ASOIU highly appreciated the reforms carried out at the university to improve the quality of teaching in 2019 and promised to do their best to continue this work also the next year.

At the end, Rector M. Babanli congratulated the teaching staff and students and wished them success in the new year.
