

News 29 Dec 2019
ASOIU's Rector visits faculties on occasion with the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year

On December 29, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), professor Mustafa Babanli visited all faculties of the university on occasion with the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year.

Visiting the faculties of Geological Exploration, Oil and Mechanical Engineering, Oil and Gas Production and Information Technologies and Control, Rector M.Babanli  spoke about the work carried out at the university during 2019, the implemented projects and the development in teaching. Rector M.Babanli characterizes 2019 as a successful year despite some shortcomings, said that his expectations are more from 2020 and believes that it will be a better year in improving the quality of education and in the university's social life. Rector M.Babanli also spoke about the planned projects dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the university and said that 100 events will be held within the framework of 100th anniversary.

Expressing their gratitude to the Rector M.Babanli, the faculty deans and academic staff of the university highly appreciated the works conducted at the university and underlined that they will always support these works. The Chinese students studying in the FGE congratulated Rector M.Babanli and expressed their heartfelt words.

At the end M.Babanli congratulated everyone and wished success.
