

News 14 Jan 2020
ASOIU Public Reliance Council follows the examination process

On January 14 the Public Reliance Council of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) followed the examination process. Council members -  Sahib Mammadov, Ilham Shaban, Saadat Mammadova, Narmina Aliyeva, Mazahir Babayev and media representatives visited exam auditoriums, became acquainted with the with the preparation of teachers and students, conditions created for the examination.

Then members of the Public Reliance Council met with the ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli. Rector M.Babanli provided information to the members of the Public Reliance Council on the conducted at ASOIU. He noted that, the innovations at the university in recent years have primarily been aimed at providing students with a high level of education, and there are already results. Noting that a professional and educated specialists are trained at ASOIU today, Rector Mustafa Babanli highlighted that education and teaching process, as well as textbooks are organized in accordance with the modern concepts.

Later, the council members shared their views on the organization of the exam process at ASOIU. They highly evaluated the transparent teaching environment created at the university, the condition created for students to freely express their knowledge and to observe the examination process.
