

News 16 Jan 2020
"Energy Hackathon" competition for students

Energy Hackathon is 48-hour competition where the teams of students will be able to design and present creative solutions and prototypes to the specific energy challenge.

Top 3 teams that will pass the Energy Hackathon will be granted to participate in the invent for the Planet 2020 global virtual competition on behalf of the Azerbaijan and the winner will take part in the final round of the competition which will take place in Texas, the USA between March 30th -April 2nd.

The transportation and related costs of participation on the invent for the Planet 2020 are covered.

Who can apply:

3rd and 4th- year undergraduate students or master students. English speaking teams of students. All the team members should be from the same university.

How to apply:

Send an email to energy@aecc.az with the “University_name_Energy_Hackathon” subject line.

  1. Name of the University.
  2. Full names of all team members.
  3. Cvs of all team members.
  4. Emails and phone numbers of all team members.
  5. If you have any questions please contact: +994554008026
