

News 17 Jan 2020
ASOIU commemorates the 30th anniversary of January 20 tragedy

On January 17 the event dedicated to the memory of the martyrs of January 20 was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Firstly, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, academic staff of the university and the parents of AzII students who became martyrs on January 20, 1990 laid flowers at the martyr's bas-relief. Then, the commemoration ceremony continued around the round table.

Rector Mustafa Babanli spoke about the events took place in Baku at night January 19 to 20 in 1990, struggle of our people for independence and territorial integrity. He noted that, although 30 years have passed since that terrible night, the love of our people and the state of Azerbaijan to their soul remained unchanged. Because we love our country and its people. He said that we go to war not to die, but to defend our motherland, to liberate our land from enemies, and the victory will be ours.

In his speech, chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the university Mazahir Babayev said that as we always honor the dear memory of our martyrs, the family members of our martyrs also consider the AzII family as their family members. Noting the importance of training educated students for instilling patriotism in young people, he underlined that it is our duty to love our motherland, to pay deepest respect to the soul of our martyrs and their successors.

The parents and family members of the martyrs expressed their gratitude to the government of Azerbaijan, as well as the ASOIU's administration for the care and attention. They noted that our children are ours and motherland also is ours. They became martyrs for defend and sovereignty of their motherland and rose to the top of martyr.






