

News 29 Jan 2020
AzII E-Book House holds a presentation of the book "Introduction to Multiculturalism"

On January 29, the presentation of the books of Baku International Center of Multiculturalism “Introduction to Multiculturalism" or “Азербайджанский мультукултурализм” was held in AzII E-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, the director of the AzII E-Book House Salahat Mahmudova greeted the guests and provided comprehensive information about the book house.

Yadigar Mammadli, Head of Information Support Department of Baku International Center of Multiculturalism provided information to the attendees about the activity of center. Chief of the Analytical Department of the Baku International Multiculturalism Center and the author of the book "Introduction to Multiculturalism" Resad Ilyasov and consultant of the department and other author of the book Rahim Rahimov spoke about the importance of the textbook and provided extensive information about the content of the book.

Then the Executive Deputy Director of the Fund for Propagation of Moral Values, one of the authors of the book Rafi Gurbanov made a speech on the essence and value of multiculturalism.

The event was attended by the ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Science and Technology, Associate Professor Rauf Aliyarov, Head of ASOIU’s Social Studies Department, Professor Jamal Mustafayev and teachers of the department Yashar Ahmadov and others shared their views on the book and talked about multicultural values.

