

News 29 Jan 2020
ASOIU holds the first meeting of Academic Board in 2020

On January 29, the next meeting of Academic Board was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Before providing information about the issues on the agenda, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli congratulated doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences, Professor Shafig Panahi on occasion of his 95th anniversary. He spoke about the rich scientific heritage of the great scientist, his pedagogical and scientific activity, as well as the service of training qualified specialists at ASOIU and wished him strong health.

Then Professor Mustafa Babanli provided information to the attendees on the three main issues on the agenda and other various issues. Doctor of technical sciences, Professor Gahraman Hasanov made a report on the activity of the "Science Center". The draft decision on the activities of the Center put to a public vote and was unanimously approved. After making a report on the Startup and Innovation Center by Elviz Ismayilov, assistant of the Department of “General and Applied Mathematics”, the annual report of the dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering, Associate Professor Zakir Hasanov was heard. Professor Mustafa Babanli made suggestions and comments on all three reports and gave recommendations on the work to be done.

Then the Scientific Secretary Yeter Aliyeva provided information the members of the council about the seven candidates for academic degrees in various directions and after the vote, claims for academic degrees were accepted. According to the agenda, head of the Department of General and Applied Mathematics, Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor Araz Aliyev provided information about the giving salaries according to what criteria to scientists and other university staff, scientific research projects, work to be done in this direction and current situation.

At the end, Professor Mustafa Babanli brought some important issues on the agenda to the members of board after discussing the conducted work related to the ASOIU's 100th anniversary and the implementation of the plan approved by the Academic Board. He highlights the importance of high-level performance of every job done at the university. He underlined the importance of high-level of implementation of every work done at the university.
