

News 31 Jan 2020
ASOIU’s Rector Mustafa Babanli gives interview to TellMann Show-video


Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) professor Mustafa Babanli has given an exclusive interview to the TellMann talk show. 

In the interview Mustafa Babanli spoke about his parents, shared interesting memories associated with the study years in Kiev, and about how honorable and responsible it was for all those students who studied outside the Republic as they were called “pupils of Heydar Aliyev” and were expected to gain only good results. The ASOIU rector spoke about successes gained over the last years, and also attached particular attention to ASOIU’s active role in training and growth of a new generation of scientists, about methods of teaching, cooperation with the world’s big higher education institutions, about startups and other projects implemented by ASOIU. Mustafa Babanli spoke about the way they managed to eliminate corruption in ASOIU and emphasized particular support given in the issue by the government of the country and a joint, coordinated work with the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan. In reply to the traditional question “You are at an audience of the President of Azerbaijan… What would you like to talk about to Mr. President?”, Mustafa Babanli said “about science”. According to him, nowadays the science is well ahead of the teaching process, and materials used for teaching new human resources are out of date. It is necessary to create an open platform where students can get actively engaged in scientific processes and fulfill their potential even larger. At the end of the interview Mustafa Babanli thanked the makers of the TellMann talk-show for an opportunity to address a broad audience, and wished all viewers broad engagement in science/studying and to work more on personal development. Full version of the TellMann talk show runs on YouTube channel, as well as on cable and regional channels of different countries.

