

News 03 Feb 2020
ASOIU's youth have been awarded on occasion with the Youth Day

On February 2, the awarding ceremony of talented and creative young people on occasion with the Youth Day organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports held at International Mugham Center.

Firstly, a video reflecting the events implemented on youth activities in Azerbaijan in 2019, as well as the views of the great leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev about youth was demonstrated.

Making a speech the Minister of Youth and Sports Azad Rahimov spoke about the state youth policy founded by the national leader Heydar Aliyev. It was noted that last year was a successful year in the life of our country, as well as our youth, and remembered by many achievements.

At the event, the active youth and youth organizations in 2019 have been awarded. Student Youth Organization of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), as well as the chairman of the organization, Mugaddas Azizade, were also awarded for their exemplary work.
