

News 07 Feb 2020
AzII E-Book House holds presentation of books "Extraction and research of polymer oil sorbents" and "Analytical Chemistry-2"

The presentation of the books "Extraction and research of polymer oil sorbents" by Y.Gahramanli, N. Gahramanov, U. Mammadli and "Analytical Chemistry-2" by L.Maharramova, S.Sultanzadeh, E. Suleymanova, Y.Gahramanli was held at AzII E-Book House.

The presentation was attended by the ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Professor doctor of chemical sciences and head of the "Laboratory of mechanical-chemical modification and processing of polymers" of the Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS, head of the laboratory of the same institute, doctor of chemical sciences, Professor Aga Mustafayev, doctor of technical sciences, head of the ASOIU's Department of "Technology of Chemical and Inorganic Substances",  Professor Yunis Gahramanli, dean of the faculty of Chemical Technology, professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova and other members of the department.

The director of AzII E-Book House, Salahat Mahmudova after providing information to the guests about the book house at the presentation, making a speech, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev noted that the book will be a valuable resource for readers and spoke about the importance of new publications. Making a speech, doctor of technical sciences, Professor Yunis Gahramanli, dean of the faculty of Chemical Technology, professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova and other members of the department, Professor doctor of chemical sciences and head of the "Laboratory of mechanical-chemical modification and processing of polymers" of the Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS Najaf Gahramanov expressed their views on new publications.

At the end, slides on books prepared by AzII E-Book House were demonstrated to the participants.
