

News 11 Feb 2020
AzII E-Book House expands the database of readers

Readers of the AzII E-Book House have been given the opportunity to use the e-library of "INFRA-M Publishing Company Group" and "EBS Znanium" (our library partners) of Russian Federation. The resources of the base will be available within a month for the academic staff of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and the readers of the AzII E-Book House. E-library base includes mainly the publications of the company group (10 publications, including INFRA-M, Forum, Encyclopedia, etc.), partner publishing house collections (Alpina, Intelligence, Infra-Engineering, Fizlit, etc.) and universities (NSTU, SFU, TPU, SFU ... SB. RAS).

Interested people can access the electronic database through the link below:

