

News 12 Feb 2020
ASOIU holds an awareness-raising event within the framework of the health protection

On February 12, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event on the implementation of the "Action Plan for the Prevention of Coronavirus Diseases in Azerbaijan".

At the event attended by the ASOIU's academic staff, university's Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev noted that, the event is aimed at enlightenment of people, students and teaching staff of education institutions by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Emergency Situations regarding the prevention of coronavirus disease.

Noting ASOIU attaches great importance of the education and the health of students, A.Babayev underlined that teachers should be attentive towards the students and emphasized the importance of immediately reporting to the competent organizations in case the symptoms of coronavirus are detected.
