

News 19 Feb 2020
ASOIU holds a working meeting on occasion with the conference to be held within the framework of the 100th anniversary of university

On February 19, the working meeting with the participation of government agencies and company representatives held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University  (ASOIU).

Being guided by the decree of the head of the state on holding the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University dated February 6, 2020, the event organized by ASOIU featured discussion of preparation for the International Scientific and Technical Conference on "Actual Problems of Chemical Engineering" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the university in October, current year (October 15-16).

Making a speech at the event, head of the Department of "Organic substances and technology of high molecules compounds" of FCT, Professor Fariz Amirov provided information to the participants on the conferance. He noted that, the main purpose of the conference is the communication of the local and foreign scientists, education and industry representatives, conducting exchange experience, identification of new ties and strengthening of old relations, as well as spotlighting the most promising scientific directions in the modern phase of chemical engineering development. The conference program will include the plenary, oral and stand lectures in three languages (Azerbaijani, Russian and English). As a head of the organizing committee established in connection with the conference Professor Fariz Amirov informed the participants that the conference will be attended by representatives of local organizations and government agencies, as well as the scientists from around 50 countries. The main purpose of holding the working meeting is to prepare for the conference at a high level, to ensure its science-intensive organization.

Making a speech, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for International Relations, associate professor Rafig Jamalov, the dean of the faculty of Chemical Technology, professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova and other attendees spoke about the significance of the conference and stressed the importance of holding such event on the eve of ASOIU's 100th anniversary.

At the event the guests expressed sugesstions and views. Speaking about the role of ASOIU and its specialists in the development of oil strategy in our country, they underlined that they will attend the conferance to be held in october of current year and will provide necessary support.

