

News 21 Feb 2020
AzII E-Book House holds an event dedicated to the Mother Language Day

On February 12 the event dedicated to International Mother Language Day was held at AzII E-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, the director of the AzII E-Book House S.Mahmudova welcomed the attendees and spoke about the importance of the historic day.

ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev congratulated everyone on the occasion of International Mother Language Day and noted that young people are responsible for preserving the Azerbaijani language.

Noting that the main factor that determines the existence of each nation is the mother language,  head of the Department of the Azerbaijani language, Professor R. Kamal spoke about the advantages of the Azerbaijani language and stressed the importance of protecting our language.

Later,  teaching staff of the faculty and the participants about the importance of feeling, preserving and delivering the native language to the future generation.

Notably, February 21 is celebrated as International Mother Language Day. International Mother Language Day was established at the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1999 and is celebrated since February 21, 2000 in order to preserve the diversity of language and culture.
