

News 21 Feb 2020
ASOIU holds the largest seminar of the year related to the doctoral students


On February 21, the largest seminar of the year on "Data processing based on machine learning" of the doctoral students was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the seminar, head of the Ph.D. office of ASOIU, Professor Latafat Gardashova provided information to the participants about dissertation councils at the university, new requirements for dissertation publications, innovations in the procedure of certification of PhD and doctoral students. Speaking about the work conducted by the university administration towards timely defense of doctoral students, L.Gardashova underlined that the number of students participating in webinars and doctoral seminars increase at the university and noted that interesting discussions that they conducted increase the interest in science.

Then, PhD student Eldar Zeynalli gave an example of computer simulation of issues related to the Machine Learning image recognition and application in economy. At the end of the speech, doctoral students received answer to their questions.

Scientific supervisor of the doctoral student, Professor L.Gardashova spoke about the discussed topic and provided comprehensive information on the application areas of subject.

At the end, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Science and Technology, Associate Professor Rauf Aliyarov gave his recommendations to doctoral students and noted that they should work hard and use the opportunities created at the university.

