

News 24 Feb 2020
ASOIU has represented at the “Azerbaijan Universities Fair 2020”

On February 23, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) took part in the high education exhibition titled "Azerbaijan universities Fair 2020".

ASOIU has been represented with its stand at the exhibition organized by Sabunchu Youth House. As in other education exhibition, the visitors this time also showed a special interest in ASOIU. Visitors had the opportunity to get acquainted with the educational opportunities and innovations offered by the university through the prospects in Azerbaijan, Russian and English languages, booklets in three titles, and the Oil and Industry magazine published in two languages. In addition, visitors approaching the stand and interested in ASOIU were able to communicate directly with the university's representatives about the specialties taught at the university, admission indicators, university's international relations and student exchange programs, as well as opportunities created for students at the university. At the exhibition the questions on the  activities of the university have been answered.
