

News 27 Feb 2020
ASOIU holds the meeting of Academic Board

On February 26 the Academic Board of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held its next meeting.

Before the discussion of the issues on the agenda memory of Khojaly genocide victims remembered with a minute of silence and  prayers were read to their souls.

Then the Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli informed the Board members about the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on holding the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University dated February 6, 2020.

He noted that signing of such decree is an assessment by the head of state to ASOIU, to the work of its collaborators, as well as the contribution of this oldest higher education institutions to the development of oil industry in our country. Board members, the academic staff of the university, expressed their gratitude to the head of the state.

Mustafa Babanli after providing information about the three issues on the agenda and other issues to the meeting attendees, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov made a report on the results of exam session of autumn smester of the 2019-2020 academic year. He provided information on the results of the exams on specialties and courses, progress indicators and the results of the final assessment.

At the meeting of the Academic Board, Professor Mustafa Babanli held discussion with the participants of the meeting on the state of the fulfillment of ASOIU's 100th anniversary plan of events  and intensification of propaganda issues. He noted that serious preparations for holding the 100th anniversary of the university at the highest level should be carried out and the implementation of the plan of the events in connection with this has already begun. He recalled the conducted by the Public Relations and Marketing Department in this direction and gave new tasks.

At the meeting, a scholarship named after the full member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Academician Chingiz Mehdi oglu Juvarli was established by the decesion of the members of Board. Two students - 1 bachelor and 1 master student with the highest academic achievements from the faculty of "Power Engineering" will be awarded the scholarship.

At th meeting of Academic Board the director of the Department of Public Relations and Marketing Bahruz Nazarov provided information about the condition of the internship of bachelor students studying at ASOIU in the 2019-2020 academic year.

He noted that fourth-year students have already started their internship in the manufacturing enterprise. The collaboration between the university and numerous companies made it easier for students to undertake internship in manufacturing enterprise.

According to the agenda, heads of structural units provided information on “Condition of teaching at "Baku Oil-Energy College" under ASOIU,  "Results of scientific research work implemented in 2019" at the university, "Construction work carried out at the university", “The results of admission to doctorate in the 2019-2020 academic year”, and other issues.

After discussing the issues on the agenda, decisions were made by a vote of the Board members. Professor Mustafa Babanli emphasized the importance of implementation of every work in the highest level carried out at ASOIU and gave recommendations and tasks on the discussed issues.
