

News 28 Feb 2020
AzII E-Book House holds presentation of "Bibliographic Indicator”

On February 28, the presentation of the book "Bibliographic Indicator",  reflecting the life and social activities of Parviz Mammadov, doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Academician, full member of ANAS, was held at the AzII E-Book House.

Salahat Mahmudova, director of the AzII E-Book House, said that one of the main objectives of the libraries is to develop bibliographic indicators to help teaching , research and education carried out by the university and purposefully use of information resources.

Making a speech, Academician Parviz Mammadov, Dean of the Faculty of Geology, Associate Professor Namat Pashayev and other participants said that this textbook will be a useful resource for scientists working in the field of geology, specialists and students.

Notably, "Bibliographic indicator" prepared by the collaborators of the AzII E-Book House Salahat Mahmudova and  Ruhana Gasimova in Azerbaijani, Russian and English. The presentation is the second event included to the list of events of the AzII E-Book House dedicated to the ASOIU's 100th anniversary.
