

News 01 Mar 2020
ASOIU holds scientific-practical seminar

On February 28, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a seminar on "Improving the efficiency of pipeline operation on the basis of modeling of mono and multifasional flows".

The seminar held with the participation of the ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli was moderated by Professor Araz Aliyev. At the seminar scientific project on oil and gas production, transportation and solution of existing problems conducted by the members of the university's Department of General and Applied Mathematics and the academic and assistant  staff of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production group consisting of 8 people was presented to the seminar participants with reports and extensive discussions were held on the topic.

At the seminar that ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, head of the Department of General and Applied Mathematics, Professor Araz Aliyev, dean of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production Gafar Ismayilov, Associate Professor Khanlar Hamzayev made a speech, the scientific results on the topic were analyzed and obtained results were presented. The attendees received answer to teir questions during the reports.

In his speech,  Professor Mustafa Babanli highly appreciated the presented projects.He noted that the attention and support for the university's academic work and the success gained in this direction has increased. The results of each of these projects should be applied and continued. As the university projects, the fundamental projects should also be presented in other industry areas. He also emphasized that young researchers and scientists should be active and initiator during the preparation of such projects.
