

News 04 Mar 2020
ASOIU continues to carry out disinfection works in connection with the coronavirus

On March 4, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) has continued disinfection works in order to prevent the threat of coronavirus.

Thus, in order to prevent  infection cases of coronavirus epidemic in Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a decision to suspend all educational institutions from March 3 to 9, 2020 and postpone all activities in this regard. According to the decision, the educational process at ASOIU has been suspended and its two days that the university conducts preventive security measures and disinfection works. Thus, disinfection works are being continued in the auditoriums, classrooms, lounges and conference halls, entrance and exits of the university.

In his interview to press, Bahruz Nazarov, the Director of the Department of Public Relations and Marketing at ASOIU, said that the health and safety of the university's students and staff are always under the care of the state. He noted that disinfection measures for the coronavirus epidemic are implemented seriously. He also said that the health of foreign students studying at ASOIU is also under control.

The epidemiologist of Baku Disinfection Center Zumrud Aliyeva said the solution used in the disinfection process is a modern drug, has no smell, and is safe for other things and at the same time for people.

Along with ASOIU, the Azerbaijan-French University also (UFAZ) continued the preventive measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. UFAZ Executive Director, Associate Professor Vazeh Askerov said that the security measures are taken at a high level.

Notably, the preventive measures against the spread of the coronavirus outbreak in Azerbaijan that spreaded in the border countries and work in this direction will continue at ASOIU, until the end of the spread of virus threat.

