

News 29 Mar 2020
ASOIU starts online teaching


In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) has started online teaching from March 29 at 08:30 till April 20 in connection with the suspension of the teaching process in schools and higher education institutions. Although lessons on 75 subjects started at 08:30, the number of lessons held online at 11:00 reached by 150. Online teaching at ASOIU will cover 100% of lessons according to the teaching plan.

Online education at ASOIU was implemented on the basis of the recommendation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan on providing students with opportunities to master educational programs and organization of distance learning during the suspension of the educational process. Online teaching has been organized  on the "Microsoft Teams" platform recommended by the Ministry of Education. As a result of cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Microsoft, domains for all higher education institutions have been established on the "Microsoft Teams" platform. Thanks to the launch of the improved e-university-Unibook at ASOIU on October 12, 2016, every student of the university has provided the opportunity to get acquainted with all the information, syllabuses, lectures, presentation materials, subject programs, exam questions, e-textbooks, as well as literature in Word format, lesson schedules by entering the portal through the individual password. On Unobook, the topic of the lesson is filled in by the teachers and which topic is covered and when conducted is noted. Through Unibook, students can learn the information they want, conduct laboratory work, prepare any assignments, get information about all the departments, and even contact with teachers online about topics they don't understand.

ASOIU's advanced Unibook system, along with the capabilities of the "Microsoft Teams" platform provides effective organization of online teaching by using interactive tools in order to provide distance teaching via video connection, to organize teacher-student discussion, as well as using tools such as planning lessons and online lectures, conducting assessments, organizing group work through a calendar tool.

