

News 30 Mar 2020
Rules of organization of online teaching at ASOIU

1 Although online lessons are not mandatory, students are recommended to join the online lessons so that they can easily master the material posted on Unibook with the help of teachers. Students who cannot connect online can freely master the materials on each subject  posted on the e-university.

2 Classes conducted by teachers who are not able to connect online should be carried out by other teachers determined by the department heads and should be reported to the ITD.

3  Students who are not able to connect online can take advantage of video tutorials of conducted lessons posted on Microsoft Teams. These videos can also be used to listen to a lecture again.

4 Lessons are held online in accordance with the schedule indicated at the e-university and adopted at the beginning of the semester.

5 As it is not possible to conduct laboratory work, these lessons are held in the format of a training, and the topics covered in the lecture courses are continued in the form of a dialogue with students and students receive the answer to their questions.

6 The presentation topics and referates given at the beginning of the semester should be completed by the students and sent to the teachers' e-mail so that that the assessment can be conducted. Submission of the presentation and referates have been extended until the end of the semester.

7 Implementation of course work and course projects cannot be required by teachers in the current situation. Additional information on their implementation and evaluation will be provided.

8 Additional information on the date and rules of midterms and exams will be provided.

9 Scholarships will be determined based on exam results.

10 Statistical data on online lessons (number of connections, duration, number of connected students and teachers) are prepared by ITD.


