

News 02 Apr 2020
The coverage of online education at ASOIU reaches by 90%

On March 29 in connection with the suspension of the educational process in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, online education was launched at the ASOIU , and a "hotline" was established in this regard

 On March 29 in connection with the suspension of the educational process in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, online education was launched at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and a "hotline" was established in this regard.

According to the official statistics of incoming calls to the hotline so far, more than a hundred calls were made on the first day. The appeals were made mainly due to technical problems related to online education, internet connection, access and password use. Due to the gradual elimination of technical problems, there is a sharp decline in the number of appeals made via hotline. The hotline at ASOIU operates every day from 08:30 am to 18:00 pm, and applicants receive answer to their questions and their problems are being solved.

 According to the statistics of ADNSU's online teaching process for the spring semester of the 2019/2020 academic year, 10,662 bachelor students in the full-time department, 317 part-time students and 1,328 master's students were involved in online education at the university.

Notably, the lessons are conducted in the format of lectures and trainings (laboratory classes are organized in the format of answers to students' questions and discussions in accordance with the topics). The coverage of online education is 82-88%, depending on the days.
