

News 16 Apr 2020
ASOIU prepares list of students whose tuition fees will be paid by state, hotline has been launched


In connection with the implementation of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the payment of tuition fees for students from socially vulnerable families the "hotline" has been established at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. After getting acquainted with the decision of Cabinet of Ministers, students and their parents are requested to send documents confirming that they belong to a socially vulnerable group to the e-mail address (tms@asoiu.edu.az) of  Educational-Methodical Department of ASOIU.

Recall that, according to the decision, the tuition fees for the full-time students studying in educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan on a paid basis during the normative period of education (with the exception of the second higher and specialized secondary education) and students who are members of families belonging to the following socially vulnerable groups for academic semesters in 2020 will be paid from the state budget:

recipients of targeted state social assistance;

both parents (and in the case of a single parent) or their legal representatives belonging to any of the following categories:

  • persons with I and II degree disabilities;
  • those registered as unemployed;
  • labor pensioners by age;
  • recipients of age-related social benefits.

Notably, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers covers the 2020 calendar year (second semester of the 2019/2020 academic year and the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year). ASOIU has also started to prepare a list of students belonging to this category and who have already paid tuition fees in connection with the refund of the amount they paid.
