

News 29 Apr 2020
ASOIU holds online meeting of Academic Board

On April 29  the next meeting of the Academic Board of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University was held in online format. Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli greeted the members of the Academic Board and provided information on the agenda of the meeting. Providing brief information on the measures taken in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Rector M. Babanli noted that due to timely and correct steps, the number of infections in our country has not reached dangerous levels, and the statistics of recovered people exceeded the number of infected people. Noting that the continuation of this tendency has allowed easing the quarantine regime since April 27, Rector M. Babanli expressed confidence that thanks to the unity of the state and people of Azerbaijan, our country will soon overcome coronavirus infection. Then the rector M. Babanli provided information about the situation in connection with the organization of education at the university in the condition of the quarantine regime announced due to the coronavirus pandemic. Providing informed about the issues raised by the Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov at the briefing organized by the Operational Headquarters under the Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers, Rector, Professor M.Babanli noted that during the quarantine regime, online education at ASOIU was organized in a short time and effectively from March 29. He noted that this was possible thanks to the establishment of  e-university system at ASOIU 4 years ago and the steps taken to improve IT skills of the academic staff. Noting the important steps taken by the country's leadership to support the economy of the country, including entrepreneurship activity, in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli assessed the decision of the state to cover the tuition fees of students who are members of families belonging to socially vulnerable groups  as another demonstration of social-oriented policy aimed at improving the welfare of citizens in the country. Rector M.Babanli said that in connection with the implementation of this decision the hotline has been operating at ASOIU since April 16 and the list of university students who are members of families belonging to socially vulnerable groups will be ready by the end of this week and he added that students from such families who have already paid tuition fees will be reimbursed. Noting that one of the important points in the speech of the Minister of Education, Mr. Jeyhun Bayramov, was the organization of training and examination sessions in the post-quarantine period, he underlined that discussions around this issue were held with the Ministry of Education. Taking into account the specifics of the teaching of the spring semester of the 2019/2020 academic year online in connection with the  conducting examinations, the Rector M.Babanli stressed that it is planned to apply an approach based on student-oriented assessment, as well as an objective assessment in assessing students' knowledge. Then the members of the Academic Board discussed various issues on the agenda. Members of the Academic Board: head of the Department of Control and System Engineering, professor Farid Aghayev, head of the Department of Energy Production Technologies, Professor Nurali Yusifbeyli, head of the Department of General and Applied Mathematics, Professor Araz Aliyev, head of the Department of Electric Power Engineering, Associate Professor Aydin Aliyev, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Associate Professor Ilham Rustamov and others shared their views. At the end, Rector M. Babanli expressed his gratitude to the members of the Academic Board, as well as all ASOIU teachers who participated in online training in the fight against the global coronavirus pandemic, and recommended to continue educating students about the rules of quarantine.

