

News 05 May 2020
ASOIU and SOCAR-STP decided to work on a document on cooperation

On May 5 Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli visited SOCAR-STP joint venture. Firstly, the Chief Executive Director of the enterprise Farid Agayev familiarized the ASOIU's Rector with the enterprise. Then a meeting was held to discuss issues of bilateral cooperation. Providing information about the enterprise, Farid Agayev noted that the SOCAR-STP joint venture was established on December 11, 2019 on the basis of an agreement signed between SOCAR and Sumgayit Technology Park. He noted that the main activities of the company are drilling equipment, drilling operations, drilling operations, rotary and pressure equipment, fountain fittings, APS (Advanced Parts Solution), heavy cranes, maintenance and repair. Noting that the enterprise is equipped with the latest technical equipment and devices, F.Agayev said that the company has professional and experienced technical staff, but SOCAR-STP aims to increase production in the short term and in this regard, there is a need for new staff and they are interested in cooperation with ASOIU.

Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli expressed his gratitude for the invitation to the enterprise and stressed that SOCAR-STP has all the qualities required to become one of the world's leading companies. Noting that currently 23 out of 30 technical and technological specialties taught in the country are conducted at ASOIU, Rector M. Babanli stressed that SOCAR-STP's offer of cooperation is attractive for the university. Rector M. Babanli noted that cooperation between ADNSU and SOCAR-STP is possible in several directions - the employment of graduates, students' practical internship, the implementation of projects by academic staff of the university and young startups and later these areas could be further expended during the cooperation period.

At the meeting the sides noted that SOCAR-STP's job offer during the quarantine regime in the fight against the global coronavirus pandemic was a pleasant surprise for ASOIU graduates, as well as implied with the social policy pursued by the Azerbaijani government and an agreement was reached on the establishment of a bilateral commission in order to prepare document on cooperation within a short time.
