

News 09 May 2020
ASOIU holds online Scientific Conference of Young Researchers and Doctoral Students

 The online Scientific Conference of Young Researchers and Doctoral Students dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held on May 7-8.

Opening the conference, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli said that the online conference held in a new format for the first time in Azerbaijan is in accordance with the requirements of the time and spoke about the commendable activity of the country's leadership in order to protect the health of citizens during the pandemic. Stressing that everyone should follow the requirements of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers and perform their duties properly, Rector M. Babanli wished success to conference participants.

Then the head of the Ph.D Office of ASOIU, Professor Latafat Gardashova spoke about the role of the conference in the activity of young researchers and the importance of participation in such conferences. Speaking about the activities of the Ph.D Office during the 100-year history of the university, L.Gardashova underlined that more than 300 doctoral students and candidates for a degree are currently studying at ASOIU, and 45 people have received PhD degrees in the last 3 years.

Then, 3 the best theses out of 320 accepted to the conference were discussed at the opening meeting of the conference. Mahsati Jafarli, Ph.D student of the Faculty of Chemical Technology made a presentation on "Fuzzy model for determining the speed of isothermal reaction", Zeynalli Sholakhanim master student of the Faculty of Information Technology and Control on "Resource management in traditional and hexagonal computing systems. Comparative analysis", and Murad Jabiyev, master student of the Faculty of Power Engineering on "Study of energy properties of solar energy in the mountainous Shirvan economic zone". Speakers were responded the questions given by Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli and the specialists in relevant areas. At the two-day conference the plenary sessions were held on different sections (Chemistry, chemical technology, ecology, electronics and telecommunications, information technology, computer science, information-measurement and control systems, mechanics and mechanical engineering, geology and geophysics, energy and energy resources, section of construction and exploitation of oil and gas pipelines, bases and storages, Section of development and exploitation of oil and gas fields, well drilling technology, economy and management). On the first day of the conference, 84.5% of the participants made a speech at the conference and 163 theses were listened. On the second day of the conference, 95 theses of 74.8% of participants were listened. In total, 80% of the theses accepted during the two days were listened.

Notably, the closing of the conference will be held online on May 13 at 11:00 am.

