From January 1, 2020, within the framework of the Erasmus + KA2 program funded by the European Union, in which the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (ADNSU) is a participant, UniLab will hold a seminar on step ”project.
The main goal of the UniLab (University - Labor Market) project is to contribute to the modernization of the higher education sector in three partner countries within the community - Azerbaijan, Belarus and Russia.
Main direction: To take steps for the expansion of partnerships between stakeholders and universities and the development of graduates, taking advantage of the experience of EU Program partners and using their strategies in this area.
Employment strategy: support policy to promote work-based learning (WBL), legal framework and innovative practices, development and implementation of the UniLab model.
Coordinator - EUCEN Belgium and Barcelona School of Management - Universitat Pompeo Fabra (Spain)
Azerbaijan: 1) Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry
2) Khazar University
Russia: 1) Lomonosov Moscow State University
2) Almateyevsk Petroleum Institute
3) Orenburg State University
4) Siberian Federal University
Belarus: 1) Gomel State University
2) Mogilev State University
Program countries universities:
1) IMC Fachhochschule Krems (Austria)
2) Universite de Lille (France)
Notably, the meeting was organized by the project coordinator - EUCEN Organization and Pompeau Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain on March 10-12. At the meeting ASOIU was represented by Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov and Director of Public Relations and Marketing Nazarov Bahruz.