

News 08 Jun 2020
ASOIU holds online examination

On June 8 for the first time Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held online semester exams. Umumilikdə 148 qrupda   səhər 09:00-da başlayan imtahanda bütün tələbələr üçün eyni şərait yaradılıb. Hər tələbəyə 0-10 balla qiymətləndiriləcək beş suallı bilet təqdim olunub. Due to a high level of technical maintenance for conducting online exam, there was no any problem during the exam. Students were active in the exam.

Notably, in order to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic in the country, education in all educational institutions, including ASOIU, was suspended on March 3, and online education was started on March 29 at ASOIU. Therefore, the preparation of students for the exam has been organized in an online format, and the students were compromised before the exam. Thus, before the exam, each student received 30 points as a bonus, as well as 0-20 points for presentations or independent work. In addition, due to activity in online classes, the teacher can give the student additional points between 0 and 10. This is evaluated as support for students in order to successfully complete their semester exams.

It should be noted that the online summer exam session, which started today at ASOIU, will end on July 12. Students who failed exam and unable to take the exam for any reason will be able to take the exam free of charge from September 1 to 15.

