

News 10 Jun 2020
Readers of the AzII E-Book House have been given access to the "EBSCO" international publishing database

In connection with the quarantine period ASOIU's academic staff and students, as well as all readers of AzII E-Book House have been given 3-month access from home to the "EBSCO" international publishing database. Notably, AzII E-Book House is a member of the Inter-University Consortium since 2017 and is the information provider of that database by subscribing to the EBSCO international publishing database through the Consortium. Over 9,000 magazines and 25,000 magazine articles of "EBSCO" international publishing datebase, 8,872 books from 225 publishing houses, electronic databases and archives of 14 foreign universities are in use by university staff and library readers through the Consortium. The EBSCO international publishing house, which has been operating since 1984, has more than 2 million materials in total.


    This datebase can be used via the link and login, password provided below.



