

News 17 Jun 2020
ASOIU holds online meeting of Academic Board

On June 17  the next meeting of the Academic Board of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University was held in online format. Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli greeted the members of the Academic Board and provided information on the agenda of the meeting and underlined that the agenda includes 5 main issues and various issues consisting of 4 paragraphs.

According to the agenda, Professor Mustafa Babanli recalled the measures taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in the world, the increasing and decreasing number of infected people  every day. He spoke about the measures taken within the framework of the combat the coronavirus pandemic in the Republic of Azerbaijan, highlighted that due to timely and correct steps taken by the government, the incidence of infection in our country has not reached dangerous levels and the situation is constantly monitored. He noted that education at ASOIU has been organized online in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, semester exams and other events are also held online, security measures are strictly followed at the university.

At the meeting the head of the PhD Department, Professor Latafat Gardashova made a report and provided information about the topics of dissertations of doctoral students and approved candidates for a degree admitted to the Doctor of Sciences program in 2019.  After the submission of each topic of 7 dissertations Professor M.Babanli expressed his his comments and suggestions on the dissertations, stressed the importance of publishing research works on the "Web of Science" platform.

At the meeting of the Academic Board, Rector Mustafa Babanli spoke about the ongoing examination process at the university in accordance with the agenda. He noted that 8 exam days, the university operated in an enhanced mode, the process of assessing students' knowledge is carried out in transparent manner. Noting that he observed almost all the exams held in the online format, Rector M.Babanli stressed  the discounts made for students due to the current situation and the importance of conducting the assessment on the basis of each student's scientific knowledge, attitude to the lesson, diligence. The rector noted that the students who  did not pass and failed the exam will take part in the lectures to be held in August and will attend the free re-examination in September. At the meeting, the participants of the Academic Board were informed that 96.81 percent of students participated in the exam. Students who participated and failed the exam are only 0.6 percent. Considering the existing condition this was highly appreciated.

Then other issues on the agenda were discussed at the meeting of the Academic Board. After discussing each issue Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli listened suggestions of the members of the Board. At the end, he gave specific instructions on current issues and work to be done.
