

News 19 Jun 2020
National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov commemorated at ASOIU

On June 19 the commemoration event in memory of the National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

According to the action plan on prevention the spread of new coronavirus disease in the country the commemoration ceremony was attended by a small number of people in the condition of keeping social distance, use of medical masks and following other necessary rules. ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli laid flowers at the monument to our hero erected at the university. Speaking about the life path, heroism of M. Ibrahimov, he underlined that such heroes are an example for every young person. He noted that M. Ibrahimov instilled in all Azerbaijani youth eternal victory and endless love for the Motherland. His name will be eternally remained in memory of the Azerbaijani people and his dear memory will be always remembered.

The head of Azerbaijan Military Museum, Colonel Azizagha Ganizade spoke about the  his exemplary battle path, love for military art and the Motherland. He stressed that M.Ibrahimov with his heroism once again proved  the strength of our youth and our army to everyone. 

The memory of our brave sons, their way of fighting, exemplary services and heroic spirit are a school for our youth.Commemorative events of National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov which have been traditionally held at ASOIU for several years is also very important in this regard, it plays a special role in instilling a patriotic feelings in our students and youth.

