

News 25 Jun 2020
ASOIU announces the results of the Alumni-Career Exhibition

On June 25, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) announced the results of the VIII Alumni-Career Exhibition held online.

On June 11 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held VIII Alumni-Career Exhibition online in connection with the quarantine regime. In the exhibition held with the participation of the Deputy Ministers of Education and Energy 217 vacancies were provided by 37 government bodies and private companies.

Announcing the results of the VIII Alumni-Career Exhibition on the official Facebook page of ASOIU, Rector M.Babanli said that 1260 CVs were sent for 217 vacancies posted on the website career.asoiu.edu.az. by the students and graduates of the university. Noting the great interest of students in the vacancies offered by the Food Safety Agency, Baku Abadlig LLC, Azerishig OJSC, AzerGold CJSC, SOCAR-AQS and other organizations, the rector highlighted that some companies have already started interviewing students and noted that he involved 8 students in the internship for the purpose of permanent employment.

ASOIU's Rector, Professor M.Babanli expressed his gratitude to all  companies and organizations  attending the VIII Alumni-Career Exhibition in the condition of the fight against the global coronavirus pandemic and wished success to all students and graduates.

Recall that, the website career.asoiu.edu.az was presented during the opening of the exhibition on June 11. Students and graduates entering the website through the link career.asoiu.edu.az, got acquainted with the vacancies, selected the relevant company, position and sent their CVs. The current results are two weeks of applications on the site informing students about new jobs and vacancies. The site operates on a permanent basis, and information on vacancies of enterprises and organizations which are ASOIU's partners will be regularly added to the site. ASOIU's students and graduates can contact the university's Public Relations and Marketing Department regarding any questions.
