

News 04 Jul 2020
Was published the next issue of Azerbaijan Journal of High Performance Computing

In June of the current year was published the 1st issue of the 3rd volume of Azerbaijan Journal of High Performance Computing. The HPC center of the university supports the journal; the editorial board of the journal contains experts on the HPC field from the scientific organizations of the world and Azerbaijan. In the current issue were published papers of researchers from Thailand, Iran, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, India, and Azerbaijan, which are devoted to applications of HPC in medicine, tourism, data science, artificial intelligence, as well as information security on HPC and other problems.

This issue of the journal, in general, the volume is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. Note that all papers published in the journal are provided by the DOI identification number and included in the Crossref database. All issues of the journal were indexed in Index Copernicus. All papers from 2019 were added to the list of scientific serials recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission for mathematics and papers from 2020 to the list of scientific serials for the technical sciences.

For getting detailed information about the papers, you can use the page of the journal (https://azjhpc.org/index.php/current).
