

News 06 Jul 2020
ASOIU presents online platform for registration to a master's degree program

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University launched its website http://admission.asoiu.edu.az/ for the implementation of the registration process of documents of students newly admitted to the master's degree in the 2020/2021 academic year in the quarantine regime announced in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. Students admitted to ASOIU's master's degree program can submit their documents to the university by filling the relevant form on the website. The website is in 3 languages - Azerbaijani, English and Russian.

 The registration process starts at 10:00 on July 6 and will last until 17:00 on July 15.

Those who are interested in any question regarding online document submission, for immediate liquidation possible problems and misunderstandings can contact the following "hotline" numbers.

ASOIU - (070) 493 45 57

Magistracy Department work - 012-598-52-47; mob. 070-598-52 47

FGE work-012-493-44-61; mob. 070-493-44-61

FOGP work-012-498-88-46; mob. 070-498-88-46

FCT work-012-498-65-98; mob. 070-498-65-98

NMF work-012-498-80-95; mob. 070-498-80-95

FPE work-012-498-65-32; mob. 070-498-65-32

FITC work-012-598-45-31; mob. 070-598-45-31

IMF work-012-598-43-08; mob. 070-598-43-08

ISDO work-012-598-43-10; mob. 070-498-43-10

BA (BBA, ZU) MBA əlaqə telefonları work-012-493-45-38; mob. 070-493-45-38

According to the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 8324 (7635 in the Azerbaijani section, 689 in the Russian section) out of 11380 bachelors attending the selection of programs and specializations meeting the conditions of the competition for master's degree in the current academic year were admitted to master's programs of higher education institutions and ANAS. Of those admitted, 3,069 were eligible to receive education by state order, and 5,255 - on a paid basis.

The highest indicators have been recorded in the admission plan for ASOIU's master's degree and according to statistics, the admission plan is 94.96 percent complete. Notably, admission to the master's degree at the Azerbaijan French University functioning under ASOIU is 100%,  80 students have been admitted to the 80 planned places.
