

News 29 Jul 2020
The Ambassador of Germany in Azerbaijan visits ASOIU

On July 29, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli met with Ambassador of Germany in Azerbaijan Wolfgang Manig. The meeting was also attended by the head of the DAAD Baku Information Center Hikmet Kamalli, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov.

Speaking about the ties between Germany and Azerbaijan, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that good relations between our countries play a significant role in the development of cooperation between German universities and ASOIU. It is no coincidence that dozens of Azerbaijani students have broad opportunities to study at prestigious German universities. During the meeting, Professor Mustafa Babanli also spoke about the expansion of dual degree programs and accredited specialties. He unerlined that  8 specialties have passed international accreditation and these specialties have been recognized by two German agencies. It is planned to accredit 10 specialties in the upcoming academic season. At the meeting Professor Mustafa Babanli also noted that the DAAD Baku Information Center has played a special role in the expansion of scientific relations and exchange process for many years.

The Ambassador Wolfgang Manig stressed that the good relations between the two countries have always created a positive tendency in cooperation in the field of education. He said that will do his utmost for application of dual degree programs, as well as  the successful cooperation of ASOIU with German universities. He also added that the German Academic Exchange Service Baku Information Center is an international scientific organization as an example of German universities. This project is not as extensive and comprehensive in any country as in Azerbaijan. The sides also exchanged views on German language courses in Azerbaijan.
