

News 02 Sep 2020
Rules of admission to doctorate and required documents

Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who have completed the master's degree (those who defended a master's dissertation) of higher education or whose education is equivalent to it (those who has  the degree of candidate of sciences and doctor of philosophy in the relevant specialty) are admitted to doctorate (dissertanture) on PhD program on the basis of competition.

For admission to doctoral studies (dissertanture) the following documents should be submitted:

1. Application (addressed to the rector of the higher education institution)
2. A personal sheet for personnel records;
3. Autobiography;
4. 3 photos (size 3x4 cm);
5. Characteristic from the place of work 
6. Extract from the work book for those who has work experience
7. List of published scientific papers or abstract on the chosen specialty
8. A certified, in the appropriate order, copy of the diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution (certificate of recognition of educational documents for citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic who have received education abroad) and a diploma supplement (extract from the grade list)
9. Copy of identity document.

Diplomun əsli, şəxsiyyət vəsiqəsi və hərbi bilet (çağırışçı vəsiqəsi) şəxsən təqdim edilir.

Those who wish to apply for doctoral studies on PhD program must take entrance exams in a foreign language (excluding Russian), philosophy, and in specialty within the scope of educational program of master's degree of higher education.

Dissertanturaya qəbul olmaq istəyənlər xarici dildən (rus dili istisna olmaqla) və ixtisas fənnindən ali təhsil pilləsinin magistratura səviyyəsinin tədris proqramları həcmındə qəbul imtahanları verməlidirlər.

Documents are accepted from September 3, 2020 to September 25, 2020 in the main building of ADNSU (Azadlig Avenue, 34), room 248, I-VI days of the week from 9:00 am to 18:00 pm. The list of applicants who have submitted their documents will be submitted to the State Examination Center (SEC) by September 30, 2020 in order to take the "Foreign Language" exam. Those who score in the foreign language exam will be allowed to take the philosophy exam. Those who have a valid international language certificate in a foreign language (IELTS, TOEFL, TestDaF, DELF, DALF) are exempt from the foreign language entrance exam. The equivalent of an international language certificate to the passing score is determined by the SEC, in consultation with the ANAS and the Ministry.

Entrance exams will be held from October 5 to November 6, 2020.

Those who want to get detailed information about the rules of admission can apply to the Ph.D. Office of ASOIU (Azadlig Avenue, 34, 2nd floor, room 248, tel: (012) 493-46-24).

Extract from the "Admission plans of higher education institutions, scientific institutions and organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan for doctoral and dissertation training for 2020" approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 493 s dated August 25, 2020 (Download)



University Administration


