

News 14 Sep 2020
AzII E-Book House creates new opportunities for its readers

Each registered reader of AzII E-Book House can access the database of international books and publishing houses by entering the system with the username and password provided to them.

Each registered reader of the AzII E-Book House can enter the system with the username and password provided to them and benefit from the databases of international books and publishing houses where printed materials and access are available.

Thus, a certain amount of printed electronic products, selected by the reader from the database of the bookstore will be sent to the student's e-mail, provided that the copyright is protected. Notably, this process is concerned to about 5,500 registered readers of the AzII E-Book House. Other unregistered students will be able to partially benefit from these services by contacting library@asoiu.edu.az. At the end of September, e-books, which are currently available within the university, will be used at home. During the pandemic readers can also take advantage of the access from home opportunities provided by international electronic bases to which AzII E-Book House joined.

www.elibrary.imf.org, the International Monetary Fund's electronic library (to be open for 2020)

Polpred.com (www.Polpred.com) international electronic publishing base

EBSCO (http://search.ebscohost.com) international electronic publishing base

One Petro. https://www.onepetro.org/international electronic publishing base

www.EduFundingIndex.com/login - Grants catalog for Global Scholarships and Higher Education Research: The only information source offering more than 180,000 scholarships.

www.EduProgramsIndex.com/login- Higher Education Programs in English-speaking countries (USA, Canada, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Europe): It is the only and comprehensive source covering the information on more than 290,000 higher education programs (bachelor's, master's, doctoral, pre-master's) in universities (until October 15).
