

News 12 Oct 2020
ASOIU holds meeting with the first-year students of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production

On October 12 the meeting with first-year students of the Faculty of Geological Exploration and Faculty of Oil and Gas Production was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The meeting was held taking into account the risk of spreading the disease during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the necessary instructions set by the Ministry of Education, social distance and hygiene rules.

Making a speech at the meeting ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli congratulated the young people who received student name, expressed his gratitude to the students  and their parents for choosing ASOIU and taking their first steps from this higher education institution. Professor Mustafa Babanli provided information to the students on the current education and teaching system, assessment of their knowledge, organization of exams. He underlined that in order to obtain a good education all conditions were created at the university. We just want students to have desire to study, to acquire science, knowledge, to make an effort for this. Regardless of whether it is online or offline (in the traditional form), there is no obstacle for student who attends the lesson, masters the education program on time to acquire quality science and develop as a qualified specialist.

During the meeting with the first-year students, Professor Mustafa Babanli stressed that modern technological opportunities are widely used at the university, adding that these innovations make the educational conditions of students more accessible. He noted that the Unibook - "Electronic University" system created at ASOIU is an electronic platform that provides students with uninterrupted delivery of textbooks, assessment of their knowledge and management of such issues from the center.

At the meeting Professor Mustafa Babanli also recommended students to protect themselves from coronavirus (Covid-19) infection spread in the world, including in our country, and stressed the importance of wearing a medical mask, keeping social distance and strictly following the rules of hygiene.

Deans of the faculties - Dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration, Associate Professor Namad Pashayev, Dean of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production, Professor Gafar Ismayilov, Director of the Information Technology Department of ASOIU Elnur Safarli, Chairman of the Student Trade Union Committee Namig Ganjayev also made a speech at the meeting and provided information to the students about the history of ASOIU, its stages of development, They informed the students about the stages, the conditions created for students, the activities of the existing centers in the university, special clubs, the organization of education by the credit system, student mobility, TEAMS platform, rules for using electronic data in various formats, files and other issues and answered their questions.
