

News 13 Oct 2020
ASOIU holds meeting with the first-year students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering

On October 13 the meeting with first-year students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and the Faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The meeting was held taking into account the risk of spreading the disease during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the necessary instructions set by the Ministry of Education, social distance and hygiene rules.

During the meeting ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli congratulated the young people who received student name, expressed his gratitude to the students, their parents and those who supported them in choosing ASOIU. He noted that as one of the leading universities in the country, ASOIU has a well-educated teaching staff to justify the confidence of students and provide them with a high level of education. Also, the university has a modern infrastructure for high-quality education and the latest technological opportunities are widely used in the teaching process.

Speaking about the opportunities of providing education of the university, the organization of teaching and assessment of students' knowledge, Professor Mustafa Babanli stressed that regardless of whether it is online or offline (in the traditional form), students must attend the lesson and recommended them to take maximum advantage of conditions created for them.

At the meeting with the first-year students faculty deans - the dean of the faculty of Chemical Technology, professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova, Dean of OME, Associate Professor Alihikmet Ahmedov provided information to the students about the current education and training system at ASOIU, the activities of relevant faculties, delivery of textbooks to students and assessment of their knowledge, organization of exams. Speaking about the importance of student-teacher relations in education, they wished success to young people in education.

Making a speech at the meeting Elnur Safarli, Director of the Information Technology Department of ASOIU  Namig Ganjayev, Chairman of Student Trade Union Committee, Muqaddas Azizzadeh, Chairman of Student Youth Organization provided information on the history of ASOIU, stages of development, activity of the existing centers in the higher education institution, special club sections, organization of education by the credit system, student mobility, Unibook - "Electronic University" system created at ASOIU. At the end students received answer to their question.


