

News 22 Oct 2020
ASOIU's foreign partners support Azerbaijan's fair struggle to restore its territorial integrity

The Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) received letters of response to the appeals addressed to foreign partners in order to assess the essence of the counter-offensive operations commenced by the Azerbaijani army in response to the Armenian military provocation and the aggressive actions of Armenia. Inonu University of Turkey, "Poltava Polytechnic University named after Yuri Kondratyuk", Ufa State Petroleum Technical University of Russia, National Nuclear Research Center of Poland, University of Malakand of Pakistan, University of Alberta of Canada and other universities and science centers expressed their support for the fair struggle to restore the internationally recognized territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan. ASOIU's partners noted that they observe the events happening in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict zone, strongly condemned Armenia's rocket attack to Ganja which is far from the conflict zone and caused death and injure of dozens of civilians, and expressed hope for peace and stability in the region soon. It should be noted that ASOIU has already received similar letters from their partner, and this process is continuing.

Notably, on September 19-20 the rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli addressed an official appeal to the world's leading educational organizations, of which the university is a member and unites about 500 universities and science centers - the International Association of University Presidents, "One Belt, One Road" University Union, as well as the administration of 97 universities with which ASOIU cooperates. The appeal noted that the purpose of the counter-offensive operations commenced by the Azerbaijani Army against the military provocation of Armenia on September 27 is to restore the country's territorial integrity recognized by the international community. The appeal that noted the operations in the conflict zone were carried out in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, stressed that the events were caused due to the occupation of Azerbaijani lands for 30 years by Armenia's and its refusal to liberate the lands through negotiations. ADNSU's appeal condemns the violation of ceasefire by Yerevan which was declared in Russia by the consent of Baku by launching rocket to Ganja which is far from conflict zone and killing dozens of civilians.



