

News 30 Oct 2020
ASOIU joins the project "Letter to soldier!"

On October 30, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) joined the project of “ASAN Volunteers” Organization “Letter to Soldier!”.

ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, head of the Student Trade Union Committee Namig Ganjayev, as well as a group of teachers and students of the university visited the "ASAN service" center, they have sent letters to our heroic soldiers fighting for our territorial integrity.

The letters noted sincere heartfelt words expressing gratitude to our servicemen fighting bravely against the enemy.

Taking part in this campaign organized by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces to further increase the fighting spirit of our army in the struggle for the liberation of Karabakh, ASOIU always pays attention to the provision of moral as well as material support to soldiers.

Notably, ASOIU transferred 50,000 manat to the Azerbaijan Armed Forces Assistance Fund. In addition, the university collaborators voluntarily transferred funds to the Azerbaijan Armed Forces Assistance Fund and met with soldiers in the frontline and delivered assistance.

Long live Azerbaijan! Long live the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

