

News 09 Nov 2020
Appeal of the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli on the occasion of the National Flag Day

Dear students, Distinguished colleagues!

Today, we celebrate the National Flag Day with a sense of pride than ever before in the history of independence of Azerbaijan. Because, for the first time this year, thanks to the resolute will and leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, our victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, after 28 years at the cost of the love and blood of the brave Azerbaijaniour tricolor flag was hoisted in our native lands - Jabrayil, Fizuli, Zangilan, Gubadli, and finally in Shusha, the pearl of not only Azerbaijan, but the whole Caucasus and sacred to all Azerbaijanis.

Homeland for dozens of peoples and nations, the Republic of Azerbaijan has always been a model for the world with its peace, ethnic and religious tolerance.

But it is the irony of history that the Azerbaijani people themselves were subjected to ethnic cleansing in their native lands. About 190 years ago, the Armenians, whom we allowed to live in our homeland, cast an eye on our lands, occupied the ancient Azerbaijani lands of Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 surrounding regions by Armenian invaders, and up to 1 million of our compatriots became refugees and IDPs.

During 28 years, peace talks between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia with the participation of international mediators for the liberation of the occupied territories have yielded no results for many years.

The Armenian side did not want to liberate our lands, and  despite the fact that the international mediators accepted the violation of the territorial integrity of our country, did not put pressure on the occupier to restore international law and justice.

Despite the fact that the Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly warned that the indifference of international mediators creates a serious threat to peace and security in the region, unfortunately, they have long been in solidarity with Armenia and advocated maintaining the status quo and forgot that impunity leads to greater crime.

Armenia's attack on Tovuz region of Azerbaijan in July 2020, resulted in casualties and injuries among civilians, led to military operations. The deaths of soldiers and high-ranking officers of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces during the military operations caused the protests with the participation of thousands of our citizens demanding a proper response to Armenia. The neutralization of the Armenian intelligence-sabotage group in our country in August clearly showed the intention of official Yerevan to occupy the new lands of Azerbaijan. In such circumstances, on September 27, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces launched a counter-offensive operation against Armenia, which conducted another military provocation against our country.

The counter-offensive operation of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces against the Armenian military provocation turned into the Patriotic War for the liberation of our lands from the occupiers with the will and unity of our people. The Patriotic War is Azerbaijan's just cause, the liberation of our native lands from occupation is a matter of honor for every citizen of Azerbaijan. Because there is one truth for Azerbaijan with 10 million people - soil cant be shared! Azerbaijan has never laid claim to anyone else's lands and will never give its lands to anyone! As a result of the 45-day counter-offensive operation of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, a large part of our lands - our cities, settlements and villages have been liberated from occupation, and the Azerbaijani flag again is waving in these lands. Every citizen has a contribution to the re-waving of our national flag in our liberated lands. Today, collaborators, graduates and students of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University are also fighting on the front. There is no employee or student of our university whose family and relatives do not take part in the Patriotic War we fought for the liberation of our lands. I wish all our soldiers who took part in the battles for the liberation of our lands to return soon with victory!

Today, all the people of Azerbaijan have been  mobilized under the motto "Everything for the Motherland!". Along with the front, we support the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on the home fronts. Our university contributes to this work by transferring funds to the Azerbaijan Armed Forces Assistance Fund, supporting our soldiers and their families, delivering the truth about Azerbaijan to more than a thousand partner universities and research centers, and actively participating in the Armenian information war. Today, all the people of Azerbaijan, including the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, which has more than 20,000 professors, teachers and students, are ready to take part in the battles for the liberation of our sacred lands at any time by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. We believe that the day when all our lands will be liberated from occupation and the State Flag of Azerbaijan will proudly wave in those lands is near. After the liberation of our lands, we have great construction work ahead. I believe that every citizen of Azerbaijan will contribute to this noble cause!

Dear students, Distinguished colleagues!

I congratulate you on the occasion of the National Flag Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan! As you know, the National Flag Day was established 10 years ago on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. Therefore, I would like to complete this appeal with the statement made by the President in his historic speech at the opening ceremony of the State Flag Square in Baku on September 1, 2010, stating that he will never reconcile with the occupation of Azerbaijani lands: "Our flag is our source of pride! Our flag is our soul, our heart. Today, the national flag is waving everywhere in Azerbaijan. After the restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, our national flag will be raised in the territories which are still under the occupation. Our flag will be hoisted in Nagorno-Karabakh, Khankendi and Shusha. We must bring that day closer with our work at all times. Love to the Azerbaijani flag! Long live Azerbaijan!".

