

News 10 Nov 2020
ASOIU attends the victorious march

On November 10 the good news of the President of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev on the complete liberation of our lands from occupation and the achieved victory was celebrated with great joy and pride at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University  (ASOIU).

Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, vice-rectors, as well as a group of professors and students of the university marched to the Alley of Martyrs to commemorate the heroic sons of the Motherland who sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country.

As a result of the successful counter-offensive launched by the Azerbaijani Army in Karabakh on September 27, 5 cities, 4 settlements and 286 villages were liberated from occupation by November 9. Until now, Jabrayil city and 90 villages of the district, Fuzuli city and 53 villages of the district, Zengilan city, Minjivan, Aghbend, Bartaz settlements and 52 villages of the district, Hadrut settlement and 35 villages of Khojavend district, Gubadli city and 29 villages of the district, 3 villages of Tartar district, 9 villages of Khojaly district, Shusha city, 3 villages of Lachin district, several strategic heights in the direction of Aghdere district and Murovdag, as well as Bartaz, Sighirt, Shukurataz heights and 5 more nameless heights in Zengilan district.

Realizing its defeat on the battlefield, Armenia accepted the terms set by President Ilham Aliyev from the first days of the conflict and agreed to surrender. The statement signed by the Presidents of Azerbaijan, Russia, and the Prime Minister of Armenia means Armenia's capitulation.

In a joint statement, Armenia undertakes to withdraw from the occupied Azerbaijani regions of Agdam, Kalbajar, and Lachin within the next 20 days. Russian and Turkish peacekeepers will arrive in the area synchronously with the withdrawal of Armenian troops from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

It ended the almost 30-year-old longing of Azerbaijani citizens for their ancestral lands. #Karabakh is Azerbaijan!




