

News 14 Nov 2020
ASOIU's Academic Board holds meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the university

The meeting of the Academic Board of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry university (ASOIU) dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the school was held on November 14. ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli firstly spoke at the online meeting about the victory of the brave Azerbaijani Army. He noted that the fact that the 100th anniversary of our university coincides with such a glorious history has doubled our joy. He underlined that our victory gained within the 44-day war against Armenia's military provocation, which began on September 27, was an invaluable event. He noted that under the leadership of President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, our Army has written a new history by winning on the battlefield. On the military and diplomatic page of the modern Azerbaijani state, this date will always be remembered with pride as a calendar of victory.

Professor Mustafa Babanli recalled that ASOIU's students and graduates, as well as university collaborators took part in the struggle for the liberation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, and said that such heroes will always be embraced with attention and care by our state and university. At the meeting of the Academic Board of ASOIU held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the university, the appeal of the members of the council to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev was read and adopted unanimously.

Later on, the Rector M.Babanli spoke about the 100th anniversary of the university, its establishment, history, the path of development from the first day of its operation as a higher education institution. He highighted that one of the most important reasons for the establishment of such higher education institution in Azerbaijan 100 years ago was the existence of the oil industry in our country and the factors arising from its development. From time to time, this educational institution has played a special role in training qualified specialists and engineers, not only for Azerbaijan, but for dozens of countries around the world. Therefore, AzII graduates have a special place in the development of the oil industry in our country, as well as in the achievements in the field of geology and chemistry. The rector added that after the signing of the "Contract of the Century" in 1994 under the leadership of great leader Heydar Aliyev, the need for new, educated specialists in the development of the oil industry in our country was provided by AzII graduates. Today, the university is able to cope with this mission.

During his speech, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that in 2015, by the order of President Ilham Aliyev, the university was renamed as the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and a new stage in the development of the university began. He noted that ASOIU has always been a higher education institution that determines the scientific and technical direction of Azerbaijan. In recent years, thanks to the attention to the education and teaching, the university implementsthis mission more successfully, in line with modern challenges and in a broad platform. He noted that substantial results have been achieved in all areas, from improving the quality of teaching and education to scientific achievements, as well as improving international relations. Today, ASOİU uses modern technological means and the opportunities created by them at the highest level, the material and technical base of the university has been completely renewed and brought in line with modern standards.

 Then, making a speech ASOIU's dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration Associate Professor Namad Pashayev, the dean of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production, Professor Gafar Ismailov, the head of the department of general and applied mathematics, professor Araz Aliyev,  head of the department of "Instrument Engineering", Associate Professor Lala Bakhirova, head of the Department of Petrochemical Technology and Industrial Ecology, Professor Alakbar Hasanov, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Director of BA (MBA, BBA, ZU) Programs, Professor Rafig Aliyev, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova, and Professor of the Department of Control and System Engineering spoke about the contribution of ASOIU as a technical educational institution to the development of science, our economy and its achievements gained in recent years, expressed their wishes and desires about the university.

At the end ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli expressed his gratitude to everyone, congratulated all collaborators, students and graduates of the university on the glorious victory of the Azerbaijani Army and the 100th anniversary, and wished them new success. 
