

News 23 Nov 2020
DSC software will be used at ASOIU

Google Developer Student Clubs (DSC) is functioning in several universities in our country for the first time this year.

 Also, DSC will function at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) from this year. Those who want to improve themselves as a developer, join various seminars, trainings, workshops, meet new people can join this program.

Notably, this program is held by Google completely free of charge.

What is DSC? What do we do? What opportunities can you get by joining us? - You can get more information about these questions by watching "Info Session". (link to linktr.ee/dscasoiu - Info Session)

Registration form: forms.gle/QoWTjypfN4ELzpN7A

Our social media accounts: linktr.ee/dscasoiu

