

News 18 Dec 2020
69th Scientific and Technical Conference of the Students has been completed at ASOIU


The final meeting of 69th Scientific and Technical Conference of Students dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held on December 18.

Making a speech at the event, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli spoke about the work done at the university to stimulate the scientific activity of young people. Speaking about the positive aspects of the conference, as well as the reports of students, the level of preparation, the existing shortcomings, the rector, Professor M. Babanli stressed that he highly appreciate the growing interest of young people in science from year to year.

Later, the reports according to the Departments were heard. Vagif Seyidov on the Department of Geology and Geophysics,  Alasgar Aliyev on the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jeyhun Naziyev on the Department  of Energy, Yashar Hajiyev on the Department of Information Technologies and Control, Ganimat Safarov on the Department of Economics and Management, Rena Babayeva on the Department of Foreign Languages, Yashar Ahmadov on the Department of Social Sciences, Yelena Shmoncheva on the Department of Oil and Gas Production, Alakbar Hasanov on the Department Petrochemical technology and industrial ecology made a report on the final of the conference. The names of students ranking in bachelor and master degree have been announced.

At the end, discussions were held on the history and innovations of the next conference and it was decided to hold the next scientific and technical conference on November 15-19, 2021.

