

News 24 Dec 2020
98% of ASOIU students are expected to complete the upcoming exam session successfully – Rector

Preliminary results of the assessment of students of the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry on midterm exams, presentations and independent work display that, if ASOIU bachelor and master students can maintain their attitude on education at this level, then 98% of our students will successfully complete the exam session of the fall semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. This was reported by ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli.

"79.71% of bachelor students scored 20-30 points in the mid-term exams, 16.37% - 10-20 points. 85.1% of bachelor students scored 15-20 points and 14.59% scored 10-15 points in presentation and independent work (the total number of students who scored between 10-20 points is constitute 99.69% of bachelors). The academic indicators of master students were logically higher. 99.69% of master students scored 20-30 points in mid-term exams, 98.94% scored 15-20 points in presentation and independent work, and 0.95% scored 10-15 points. Calculations show that 98% of ASOIU students will successfully complete the upcoming exam session on one condition that they continue their education at the same pace and effort - noted Rector Mustafa Babanli. He stressed that this is an important achievement for the university, which has 16,000 students.

Rector M.Babanli linked the high results of ASOIU students in mid-term exams, presentations and independent work with their class attendance and diligence. He noted that the percentage of students attending classes was over 95%, except for a two-week break due to the military situation in the current academic year, and expressed his gratitude to ASOIU students for their responsible approach to education.

Evaluating the high academic indicators of students in mid-term exams, presentations and independent work as a manifestation of ASOIU's finding the optimal ratio of categories such as education and privileges in the quarantine conditions, Rector Mustafa Babanli noted that privileges for students also play a role in high scores.

"The mid-terms were held not on a 10-week education program which should be held in the fall semester, but on topics that were taught to students for five weeks. At the same time, the requirements for student presentations (independent work) have significantly been softened compared to the requirements of previous years, "said the rector.

Rector M.Babanli emphasized that 85% of ASOIU students will take the exam with 35+ points, exam questions will be compiled only on the taught topics and difficult presentation questions will not be presented as exam questions, adding that 25% of students who failed exam in 2 subjects will be able to take re-exam free of charge. He noted that the exams at ASOIU will start on January 11, and on January 7 he will meet with students through an online open microphone, the final results of the mid-term exams will be brought to the attention of students and their questions will be answered.
