

News 24 Dec 2020
Glorious victory in Patriotic War opens unique opportunities for building a stronger Azerbaijan - Professor Mustafa Babanli

On December 23, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli attended a video conference on "Great victory in the Great Patriotic War:  vision to the future of Azerbaijan and region" at the Executive Secretariat of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP). On December 24 Ali Ahmadov, Deputy prime minister, Deputy Chairman–Executive Secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party congratulated the birthday of the main author of our great Victory President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party Ilham Aliyev. He characterized the Azerbaijan's victory in the Great Patriotic War as one of the most important events in our history. Undoubtedly, with this victory, Azerbaijan has written the golden page of its history, the page of honor and dignity. Also other speakers making speech at the event emphasized that thanks to the unity of our people, our state, endless trust in the head of our state our lands occupied for 30 years by Armenia were liberated from occupation within 44 days. At the meeting it was noted that, beside bringing peace to Azerbaijan this victory has laid a solid foundation for peace and prosperity in the South Caucasus as a whole, for the further economic development of Azerbaijan, as well as for the further strengthening of its position in the international arena. On December 23 with the participation of Nasimi district and activists, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli attended the video conference on “44 days of the Patriotic War of the Azerbaijani people, page of honor, dignity, pride of our history: Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev ” and spoke about the historical significance of Azerbaijan's glorious victory in the Great Patriotic War. Noting that this victory is the result of the successful policy of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, Rector M.Babanli congratulated the President on the occasion of his birthday. Stressing that our lands were liberated from occupation thanks to the purposeful activity of the President of Azerbaijan, principled position and determination based on the trust of the people, Rector Mustafa Babanli underlined that great construction works await us ahead.
