

News 14 Dec 2020
The two universities jointly hold an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of ASOIU

On December 25 A the joint event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held at the initiative of Mingachevir State University (MSU). The event was attended by rectors and academic staff of both universities, as well as members of the Academic Board of both universities and students. Opening the event held online, ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli firstly congratulated the participants on the great victory in the Patriotic War, thanks to the leadership of our victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the courage of the mighty Azerbaijani Army, wished God's mercy to our martyrs who sacrificed their lives and health to our veterans and health to our veterans. Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that taking into account the commendable services of ASOIU in the field of formation of highly qualified personnel potential in the country, according to the relevant Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev dated February 6, 2020 the 100th anniversary of the university was celebrated at the national level and expressed his gratitude to the administration and the staff of MSU for the initiative to organize a joint event dedicated to the anniversary. During his speech, he spoke about the recent significant qualitative changes in ASOIU in science, education, international cooperation and other areas. He also noted that special attention is paid to mutually beneficial cooperation with regional universities, including MSU, and new steps are being taken to develop this cooperation.

Then the Rector of MSU Shahin Bayramov congratulated the participants on the historic victory in the 44-day war and underlined that ending 30 years of longing and ensuring Azerbaijan's territorial integrity thanks to our victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief and invincible Azerbaijani soldier gave every citizen a sense of national pride.

Congratulating the academic staff, students and graduates of ASOIU on the occasion of 100th anniversary, Shahin Bayramov spoke about the important role of this higher education institution in Azerbaijani society, stressed that this university is an old higher education institution training highly qualified specialists for Azerbaijan and many countries around the world. Noting that university graduates working in various sectors of the country's economy, making significant contributions to the development of Azerbaijan, some of which are prominent scientists and statesmen have always been distinguished by their professionalism, Bayramov stressed that ASOIU is successfully continues its activities at a new level of quality. Making a speech on "University - the cradle of oil science and personnel" ASOIU's dean of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production, Professor Gafar Ismayilov spoke about the historical development of ASOIU to become a leading higher education institution, the role of trained personnel of the university in the development of the country's oil industry, measures taken to improve the quality of education, structural changes to ensure effective management.

Making a speech on "The role of graduates of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University in the development of regional higher education institutions" Almaz Aliyeva, Acting Dean of the Engineering Faculty of MSU, Associate Professor, ASOIU's graduate spoke about the role of the higher education she received at this university in the development of her academic career,  emphasized the importance of collaboration with ASOIU in training high-quality personnel in higher educational institutions located in the region.

At the event it has also been agreed on the issues of development of mutually beneficial cooperation on student and teacher exchanges between the two universities, joint research, implementation of joint projects, providing MSU students and teachers with access to the rich library of ASOIU, studying of young MSU's collaborators at the Ph.D. level at ASOIU and other areas.

